Community Agreement Convention report submitted to School Board


Photo of printed community agreementThe Duval County School Board is holding a board development meeting this morning to begin discussing the outline of a new strategic plan for the school district.

As you know, delegates at the ONE by ONE Community Agreement Convention on January 5 came up with the four top priorities of the community for public schools. These findings, as well as a host of ideas proposed by the delegates, were submitted in a report to the school board earlier this week.

Download the 6-page report (PDF) here.

The report details the four priorities that form the Community Agreement - which has so far been ratified by more than 1,300 people! - and formally asks the school board and superintendent to include them in the district's strategic plan. The report also outlines just a few of the many innovative ideas put forward by delegates about how the community can step up and take action on the priorities.

So what are the next steps?

Draft strategic plan published for review. Sometime next month, the district will publish a first draft of their strategic plan, which will outline the priorities that the district will focus on for the next few years. Sperintendent Vitti pledged to the delegates on January 5 that he would like to reconvene that same group (and whoever else would like to come) in Feburary to review the draft strategic plan. We will be announcing a date for that event soon.

Continue ratifying. It is crucial that the community continue to build support for the Community Agreement by ratifying it either here at or via a mailable card (let us know if you want copies).

Final strategic plan happens later this spring. Once community and district feedback has been processed, the school board will likely vote to approve a final strategic plan later this spring, possibly as early as March. We will keep you connected to this process and let you know

Joint action begins. Of course, this is the most exciting part of all. Late in the spring, we will gather for a celebration and begin the joint school district-community action on the priorities. More details coming soon!




of public schools in Duval County earned an "A," "B," or "C" in 2021-2022.