DCPS launches OneView data portal with help from QEA



Access to vital information about students should become much easier next school year, thanks to a new data portal system announced Thursday by Duval County Public Schools. 

The portal, called OneView, was developed by Microsoft and is designed to be a “single pane of glass” in helping parents, teachers, principals, district administrators and community partners to have access to information they need to help students be successful.

The system, which cost $6.1 million to develop, was supported by a $5 million grant from the Quality Education for All Fund, held at the Community Foundation for Northeast Florida and managed by the Jacksonville Public Education Fund.

Through the system, students will have single-sign-on access to the various education software products used by the district, as well as to Microsoft Office 365. Parents will be able to see assignments, grades, attendance and other data about their children, as well as complete a variety of district forms electronically.

Community partners, such as mentoring agencies, will be able to have real-time access to data on students they serve, allowing them to better assess their impact and improve their programming.

The system will become available on July 1, and is accessible on mobile phones and tablets, as well as standard computers.





of public schools in Duval County earned an "A," "B," or "C" in 2021-2022.