Supporting public education during coronavirus
JPEF President Rachael Tutwiler Fortune shared the following update on our work during the coronavirus crisis.
Like you, the Jacksonville Public Education Fund is concerned about the spread of coronavirus, and we are doing everything we can to move our important work forward while protecting public health. This week, our team is working remotely and moving all meetings online to help limit the spread of the virus. This period may need to extend as the situation evolves.
As always, we are supporting public education during this time of crisis. Here are a few resources for parents, educators and other education stakeholders to navigate the week:
Duval County Public Schools is providing updates on the status of schools and offering guidance for parents and teachers at There is important information about home education options and school lunches there.
The Today Show has compiled free resources for parents and caregivers who are trying to keep their students learning at home while schools are closed.
JPEF has been looking forward to a busy spring of impactful learning experiences with our partners, including teachers, parents and school leaders. We’re now reassessing how we can best move our work forward while limiting social interactions. Please visit our website at to stay abreast of changes to our programs as we revise our plans. You can also keep up to date with us on Facebook and Twitter.
With Duval County Public Schools closed this week, we are seeing firsthand the importance of our public schools in our community. Our schools are the foundation of our city -- preparing our students for bright futures, providing meals to children who need them and employing a significant number of people in our area.
Thanks for everything you do to support public schools and our work at JPEF, as we work to close the opportunity gap for students in Duval County.